Monday, February 26, 2007

A Truly Inconvenient Truth

Last night we watched the Oscars. As we witnessed the love-fest that surrounded An Inconvenient Truth, the documentary film featuring Al Gore's take on global warming, which won Best Documentary Feature honours, I was struck by something Gore said in his acceptance speech: "This is not a Democratic or a Republican issue. This is a moral issue." The crowd of Hollywood types roared their approval.

Which got me thinking: if someone had produced a documentary about abortion - presenting the stark reality, say, of what exactly happens as a child is ripped from the womb, not to mention the psychological, spiritual, and physical aftereffects on the mother - would that have garnered any awards? Such a film would only be exposing the greatest civil rights issue of our times - the unjust (but legal) murder of millions of innocent people.

After all, this isn't a political issue. This is a moral issue.

I think we all know the answer to that question. Such a film would likely never be touched by the Academy, or become a cause celebre. However, it is always fashionable to pull for the rights of "Mother Earth" not to be eliminated.

Maybe we should also listen to the appeal of another kind of Mother. Mother Teresa once said, "If we allow a mother to kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?"

Much less clean up the environment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In so many ways, if we're ripping way the life from Mother Earth, I don' see why the likes of Al Gore and the Hollywood crowd can't see the similarity of ripping the unborn life from a human mother. Without realizing it, the Hollywood crowd has made the movie, Children of Men about what the world would look like without life giving sex.